Monday, January 09, 2006

More About Raymond Minix and His Cat, Sassy

Last week in this blog I mentioned my former roomate, Raymond Minix and how much (to be really honest) I miss having him around. I found out he had been staying with a friend of his,a guy named Vernon a few doors away; that is he had been staying there. He came back over here Sunday evening to pick up a few things he had left behind and told me an interesting story about the loyalty and love a person can have for their animal creatures:

It seems two nights earlier, Friday night, this Vern person had come home from somewhere and was drunk. In the meantime, Sassy the cat had been inspecting an air mattress in one of the rooms, and as cats will do, had clawed the mattress and gotten a tiny, slow-leaking -- but none the less leaking -- hole in the thing which allowed the air to escape.

Vern found the tiny hole made by the cat's claws, and got into a raging battle with Raymond about it, and announced "now that the mattress is ruined, you have to sleep on it, I will use yours instead." And with that, Vern picked up the cat and swung the cat overhead by its tail and threw it out the door. The cat, flying through the air landed against the side of a tree nearby, screamed in pain and ran off. Poor Raymond was flabbergasted that anyone would torture a small animal like that. Frankly, so was I when he told me about it.

It took Raymond about an hour to locate the cat (it was late at night, and coax the cat to come out from where it was hiding,)and when he tried to take the cat back in the house, the cat (as would seem obvious) was too frightened to go back inside, so Raymond locked the little cat up in the garage behind their house. He took the cat's food bowl amd water dish in the garage, turned on the heat back there a little, and left the animal there overnight to try and get itself calmed down. Saturday morning, Raymond immediatly decided he had to move away; no one -- but no one was going to abuse his friend like that.

He threw away a month's rent he had paid this Vern person; went out Saturday morning and looked for a new apartment, and found one on Eighth Street downtown right over a tavern, moving in with a friend of his, a lady he described as a 'fag hag' who agreed to let him stay there; came back to Vern, got all his clothes and other possessions and split. When he came over here to my place to see me later in the day on Sunday, he related all this to me and it frankly floored me also. He had Sassy in his arms, carrying her along. Such a sad case, such a sad guy. I offered him a chance to leave Sassy in a safe place (here) until all the moving commotions were finished, but he insisted she (the cat) would be 'too frightened' to stay here without him, and I am sorry to say, I still cannot see my way clear to having Raymond live here until/unless he receives the mental health counseling he needs.

I hope sometime soon, something _good_ happens in Raymond's life.


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